The Basic Income Research & Action Lab (BIRAL) is a network of researchers and activists dedicated to analysing and advocating for Basic Income systems and pilots worldwide. By focusing on municipal and regional levels, BIRAL aims to provide valuable insights and tools for political leaders interested in implementing Basic Income schemes in their communities.
The network includes members from various organizations and institutions, such as Unconditional Basic Income Europe, Basic Income Earth Network, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Gyeonggi Research Institute, and the Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies.
BIRAL members have been accepted to participate in the 22nd BIEN Congress in Seoul this summer. During the event, they will present their first official research paper, “Towards a Municipalist Basic Income”, and conduct interviews for their “Voices of Basic Income” podcast. However, to ensure their participation, your help to cover travel expenses is needed! A donation of any size can support their mission to make Basic Income a reality and empower their research and action efforts.

You can use the form on this page to support BIRAL once or on a regular base. Alternatively, we are also happy to receive donations directly to the UBIE bank account:
Unconditional Basic Income Europe
IBAN: BE09 3631 5100 1657
Bank: ING Belgique SA
Reference: BIRAL