We publish a newsletter usually once a month about what we are doing and events we are involved with. It’s a great way to keep up-to-date with our activities!
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Previous issues
- September: Money that works for everyone – International Basic Income Week 2019
- March: Berlin to host the 2019 UBIE General Assembly
- October: A new European campaign on UBI? Join the planning meeting in Budapest
- July: On the Train to Tampere
- June: EU, fix the European Citizens Initiative now
- May (special edition): UBIE and the new EU data protection rules (GDPR)
- May: EU Youth to Strasbourg: Basic Income now!
- February: UBI: neither Left nor Right? Göteborg 23-25 March
- December: Lisbon and beyond – News from the basic income movement in Europe
- September: Join us in Lisbon!
- April: UBI-Europe springs forward after London
- March: Basic Income – Not Just a Pretty Idea
- December: A smashing year for basic income
- September: Making waves across Europe
- April: Let’s all make International Basic Income Week 2016 a success