If you just want to be updated about our activities without being a member, you can subscribe to our newsletter.
Member organisations are expected to take part in UBIE’s projects by promoting Basic Income and our activities. For the sake of transparency, a list of member organisations will soon be displayed on our website. Organisations can send one voting representative to our General Assembly.
If you want to request membership on behalf of an organisation, please write to contact@ubie.org
Individual members are informed about all activities within the network, invited to our annual General Assembly and can participate in our working groups and in all decision making processes.
Participation in UBIE’s activities is voluntary. Based on the information you provide in the form below upon joining we will try to see how to best include you in our working teams and projects.
For a list of small tasks where we rely on the help of members – or prospective members – please have a look at this list.
Some skills we need right now:
- Communication skills
- Social Media & IT
- Fundraising
- Writing and Reporting
- Translation
- Motivation
- YOU!
Join UBIE using the form below!