All of our work so far has been done by volunteers. We have many dedicated people involved with making UBIE happen!
Do you want to be part of the change?
Core Group
The Core Group coordinates the execution of the General Assembly’s decisions, takes care of UBIE’s daily operations, ensures its representation towards the general public and directs lobbying efforts. Its members are elected at least once per year in an election without candidates.
The present Core Group has been elected at UBIE’s Online General Assembly in April 2023 and will be in office until March 2025.

Antonios Triantafyllakis
Antonis has been an active member of UBIE since its founding, after supporting the preceding ECI campaign. He is a passionate learning designer, international youth worker and gamification consultant, who combines his professional work with volunteering for Basic Income as a way to achieve equality.
“If I had an Unconditional Basic Income I would have probably followed a similar path in life, but I would have been able to afford many more opportunities for development earlier on and without the constant stress of precariousness”

Alessandra Bianchi
Alessandra lives in Brussels, Belgium. Born from Italian parents, she has studied in Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands where she wrote her Master thesis on the feminist case for Basic Income. As she worked for an Argentinian NGO, she came to realize her passion about finding innovative solutions to better society. She combines her role as a young mother with her fight for Basic Income hoping to create a better and fairer society for her child.
“Basic Income is tremendously empowering as it offers the possibility to freely choose what to do with one’s life.”

Dániel Fehér
Dániel Fehér lives in Berlin, Germany and earns his living as Communication Officer at the Federation of German Consumer Organisations. Previously, he has been the campaign manager of the European Initiative “Stop TTIP”. Born in Budapest, Dániel studied History & Philosophy in Bonn, and graduated from University College London. Between 2004–15 he worked in Brussels, among others for the European Citizen Initiative (ECI) campaign, as online communication consultant, and later as an advisor to the Greens in the European Parliament. Dániel has been an EU level lobbyist and advocate of UBIE since 2013 and has been a member of the board since 2015.
“Only Basic Income can deliver freedom, security, and dignity for everyone.”

Ulrich Schachtschneider
Ulrich Schachtschneider lives in Oldenburg, Germany and works as an energy consultant and freelance social scientist. Ulrich is engaged in the German Basic Income movement as an activist, publisher and author with a particular interest in socio-ecological transformation, social energy policy and post growth society. His idea is to combine ecological taxation and Basic Income, and that the first steps should be made at a European level to strengthen the European idea, as well as to make Europe more social and ecological.

Manja Taylor
Manja has been volunteering with UBIE since its founding stages in 2013. After spending time in the UK, Australia and Thailand she now lives in Hannover, Germany and works as a community organiser with migrants and and people over 60.
“I support Basic Income because as a social worker I can confirm that meanstesting is a bullshit job.”
Other Volunteers Supporting the Core Group

Leire Rincón
Research Coordinator
Leire Rincón García lives in Barcelona. She is a PhD Candidate at the University of Barcelona, in the department of Political Science. Her interest on Basic Income started in 2014, and her thesis now revolves around explaining attention to Basic Income. She participated in the European Youth Event together with other UBIE members. Previously, she was studying Politics and International Relations at the University of Bath, UK. From March 2019 to November 2020, she was Chair of UBIE.

Vladan Lausevic
Communications Assistant
Vladan lives in Stockholm, Sweden where he is working as a freelancer. He has his educational background in history and political science, and has been working as Assistant Professor in European Studies at Manipal University. Since earlier he is active as Basic Income opinion-maker from liberal perspectives and was elected as a core group secretary in 2019. He was Secretary of UBIE from 2019 to 2021.

“Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo.”

“Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum.”

“Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus.”