Basic Income Pilots Working Group

Our working group has three main goals:

  • to advocate for blanket-wide long-term Basic Income Pilot Programs, and to move beyond singular experiments in Europe,
  • to expose the transformational potential of UBI as a key tool for transitions towards complex regenerative cultures and policies, circular economies and sustainable democratic communities,
  • to mediate contacts and inspiration among interested people and to set and support a wide transnational cooperation in order to make the first participative blanket-wide BI pilot program/s in Europe a reality.
Jitka Cardová

Jitka Cardová

Working Group Coordinator

Jitka is based in Prague, with a degree in philology. She makes her living partly as a translator of inspiring speculative fiction stories and as a book editor. She is an activist, occasional publicist and mediator of regenerative CSOs in the Czech Republic and beyond. She is the co-founder of Nepodmíněný základní kolektiv (Unconditional Basic Collective), a Czech NGO dedicated to Basic Income piloting.

“I’m deeply convinced that planting large Basic Income pilot programs is our only fast enough chance for a non-violent and non-ideological eco-societal transformation from a world of vain consumption and degradation into a world of collaborative care, cultivation, re-creation and regeneration.”

Get Involved!

You are cordially invited to participate in the group’s working. Should you be interested in more information on how to be part of the change, please get in touch with Jitka at