No Simple Policy – Designing a European Basic Income
The idea of a European universal basic income bears potential as a palpable way of delivering on the promise of ‘social Europe’. However, many proposals remain vague. We outline a concrete policy design for an EU-wide basic income to foster debates on how such a policy could look like in practice.

Social Europe Needs a Paradigm Shift
The European Pillar of Social Rights will not be successful without a new social paradigm beyond the traditional labour market focus.

Where Dreamers Follow and Wishes come True | UBIE Story Contest Winner
In 2020 we held a story contest on #HowWeMadeBasicIncomeHappen. This is the winning story of Maria!

The women’s green revolution — Towards the UBI and beyond | UBIE Story Contest Winner
In 2020 we held a story contest on #HowWeMadeBasicIncomeHappen. This is the winning story of Jusore!

The Unheard Results of The Finnish Basic Income Experiment
The final results of FInland’s two-year basic income experiment offer way more positive findings than the reserved or outright negative coverage that the majority of the media reporting would suggest.