2 Feb 2023 | Blog, Eurodividend
The idea of a European universal basic income bears potential as a palpable way of delivering on the promise of ‘social Europe’. However, many proposals remain vague. We outline a concrete policy design for an EU-wide basic income to foster debates on how such a policy could look like in practice.
13 Nov 2021 | News
UBIE, in collaboration with BIEN, held a session on Basic Income at a local level, during the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021.
24 Oct 2021 | ECI2020, Events, News
In the wake of the 14th International Basic Income Week, three events in Greece initiated the discussion on the vitality of Basic Income and what we have learned from
various experiments.
7 May 2021 | News, Press Release
EU leaders should show real commitment to the needs of European citizens facing precarious situations. It is time to move towards an unconditional guarantee of economic existence and dignity for all.