24 Apr 2022 | Events, News
The UBIE General Assembly 2022 will take place in hybrid mode 20-23 May, in Prague and online. Register now to join!
8 Feb 2022 | Events, News
Join us this spring at the UBIE Athens Academy, to share knowledge, develop campaigns and foster networking around Basic Income!
24 Oct 2021 | ECI2020, Events, News
In the wake of the 14th International Basic Income Week, three events in Greece initiated the discussion on the vitality of Basic Income and what we have learned from
various experiments.
10 Sep 2019 | Events, News, Uncategorised
The emphasis of the 19th Basic Income Earth Network Congress that took place in Hyderabad, India between 22-25 August 2019 was on hearing from participants from basic income pilots around the world. There were moving testimonies from Kenya, India, Ontario, and Germany...
22 May 2019 | Events, News
This year’s UBI Nordic conference, “Visions for a Brighter Future” that took place in Oslo on the first weekend of April was a great success. A UBIE delegation of both “veterans” like Barb Jacobson and Manja Taylor, as well as members of the youth group, Alessandra...
23 Feb 2019 | Events, News
In just a few months time, citizens across Europe will be asked to elect a new European Parliament. As citizens, we aim for a new majority that wants to re-build solidarity in the EU and is open to discuss basic income as a new basis for a social Europe. So the focus...